Adroit Science AB Sweden

Experts in all areas related to solid state characterization of pharmaceutical material. Unique knowledge related to development of Dry Powder Inhalation products, but cover also oral product development area.

Business Type
Mr Thomas Larsson
Mr Thomas Larsson
LinkedIn logo Project Manager 
Dr Lars-Erik Briggner
Dr Lars-Erik Briggner
Project Manager 

APL Sweden

APL is a full scale Contract Development and Manufacturing Organisation. Modern manufacturing processes and staff with cutting edge competence make APL a competent partner and supplier. We develop and manufacture pharmaceuticals and consumables for companies throughout the world. Our offers extend from the early research phase to commercial product.

Business Type
Mr Magnus Nilsson
Dr Anders Högdin

ClinTrials Skåne AB Sweden

ClinTrials Skåne is a public limited company dedicated to helping the life science industry developing their products in close cooperation with universities and the public health care sector in the county of Skåne. We have long experience in working with clinical trials and product development in hospitals in Skåne. Our offices are located in Skåne university hospital and in Medicon Village in Lund, with direct access to both the life science industry and the public healthcare system.

Business Type
Mrs Gertrud Lundkvist
Research coordinator 
Dr Fred Kjellson
Project manager 

Imaging Resource AB Sweden

Imaging Resource AB provides advanced microanalysis services of everything from pharmaceutical substances, packaging material, nanostructured surfaces to process equipment and mechanical components.
Scanning Electron Microscopy, as well as other specialized microscopy techniques, is used to increase the knowledge about the properties of your material. We handle projects in many industrial and R&D areas: Life Science, engineering, packaging, material science and product development.

We also create striking scientific illustrations based on Scanning Electron Micrographs. The outcome of your investment in an microscopy analysis can be doubled by refining the result to become fascinating images that can be used in the whole chain from development to marketing.

Business Type
Mr Sten Sturefelt
Mr Sten Sturefelt
LinkedIn logo Research Consultant 

Mevia Sweden

Mevia develops intelligent pharmaceutical solutions to support patient adherence and increase the quality of drug treatments. With our innovative technology, each medical event is automatically registered and if a dose is forgotten the patient can immediately recieve a reminder. Our service enables closer contact between patients, healthcare and relatives. 

Business Type
Ms Linnea Olsson
LinkedIn logo Business Developmer 

Red Glead Discovery AB Sweden

Red Glead Discovery has two main business areas: CRO services and internal early drug discovery projects. Our focus is on the development of drugs based on small molecules and peptides.

Our first-rate drug discovery services include integrated lead discovery, based on competence and long-standing experience. In-house laboratory capabilities comprise medicinal chemistry, assay development and screening, radioisotope-labelling, analytical chemistry, in vitro profiling and NMR.

An expert area is generation of chemical starting points for drug targets and to develop them into patentable lead compounds with drug-like properties and low risk profile. Our project management skills and cross-disciplinary capabilities make us a preferred partner for clients that want to develop compounds with high potential to become successful drugs.

Business Type
Dr Johan Evenäs

TATAA Biocenter Sweden

TATAA Biocenter is Europe’s leading provider of gene expression profiling services and a prime organizer of hands-on training in quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR).

Frost & Sullivan presents TATAA Biocenter with the 2013 European Frost & Sullivan Award for customer value leadership.

TATAA is one of the first laboratories to have obtained ISO/IEC 17025:2005 flexible certification for qPCR analysis in Europe. 

Business Type
Miss Maria Lennerås
LinkedIn logo Sales representative